Snake River Farms VS Crowd Cow Comparison
If you are struggling to decide between Snake River Farms and Crowd Cow, you have come to the right place. For your convenience, we have gathered all the important facts about these 2 meat deliveries and laid them out in our side-by-side Snake River Farms VS Crowd Cow comparison. Discover how the services measure up to one another in terms of everything from meat quality and variety to sourcing practices and ordering flexibility and easily decide which one is better for you.

- Price Range: $$
- Average Price Per Meal: $16.00
- Shipping Cost: $12.99
- Delivery Area: 48 states

- Price Range: $
- Average Price Per Meal: $40.00
- Shipping Cost: $9.99 *
- Delivery Area: 50 states
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- Submitted By Zachary A. on 08/03/2019My first order was delayed by one day, and as a result was thrown in the trash by the delivery service. Will not use the service again.
- Submitted By Deonne on 06/25/2019I ordered the Pasture Raised Grain Finished Black Angus Ribeye From Wolfe Brothers Farm. I found a good deal for 2 Ribeyes. Loved the packaging and the beef was frozen. It took some time to order because I have never ordered beef online but everything looked fresh and delicious. I have to be honest to say the beef looked great and I notice some beef have a smell once you take it out the packaging but I smelled nothing but freshness. The beef wasn’t tender and I wasn’t impressed at all. CC tried to make it right but I see no need to continue to order beef from them. I really wanted to try the Wagyu but never mind. I actually found a local farm in the area called Hancock Family Farms I will buy my fresh beef from and he wants honest opinions and stands by his product. I don’t like a business not standing by their product, customer service told me they have like 70 farms so I should find something I like. I’m really supposed to try all farms to just get a piece of tender beef, no thanks CC.
- Submitted By Richard Smith on 02/07/2019Really good but too expensive.
- Submitted By Larry Young on 01/08/2019Great idea and even greater product. My father was a rancher and I know how hard it can be, services like these are much-needed, not only because it’s so hard to get healthy meat but because they actually help ranchers, which is a big plus in my book.

- Submitted By Katherine Humphrey on 06/22/2018Simply divine beef, treated ourselves to some gold-grade prime rib for our anniversary, it was magical, the best meal I’ve ever had!
- Submitted By Jamie McLaughlin on 02/14/2018Finally discovered the secret to the perfect brisket and it’s meat quality, no doubt about it. I’ve always bought the best I could find but this is something else, it’s impossible to describe the difference in flavor.

Crowd Cow is a meat delivery service that specializes in pasture-raised, dry-aged beef whose quality and freshness surpass all expectations. Find out what makes this service extraordinary and how it manages to satisfy the needs of virtually all meat lovers in this Crowd Cow review that focuses on everything from sourcing to pricing.